Functional Training
Customized to Your Needs
Personal Training for all Levels
Amputee Fitness Training
Adaptive Fitness Training

How I Train

“Set your goals high and then grow into the person who can achieve them.”
Darryl Partridge
Modern life takes a toll on our bodies. Technology has made our lives easier while at the same time it is destroying our bodies. The human body was designed to move, we were once hunters and gathers, so we moved for survival. Humans didn’t need to exercise, they got it meeting their daily survival needs. Today, we use technology and can do most things from our office chairs or couch, awesome right? One big problem, our hips are tight, our shoulders are slouched, we have lower back pain and the medical community is making a fortune off our aches and pains.
I have a better solution! EXERCISE!
Today we can get zillions of free workouts off YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, and that is great. The problem, doing random free exercise videos isn’t doing you any good. Yes, they get you moving for an hour, but are they fixing the problems? Are they preventing injury? Are they helping your joint pains?
While working in a gym I see so many people come in daily. They have their routine, they move from machine to machine doing the same thing every day. Machines are great they are engineered to stabilize the body and isolate a muscle. They are a relatively safe way to do strength building. They however are training in on a one-dimensional plane. We live, work, and play in a three-dimensional plane.
I carefully program workouts that are designed to help build strength, balance muscles, and correct body posture. All my workouts teach you how to workout without the support of a machine. You will stabilize your own body and perform exercises on 3 planes. What you need to live functional healthy active lives. I’m living proof of what a functional exercise program can do for you. I’m offering what helped me go from being disabled to completing 13-mile obstacle races.
Working with Darryl has been an incredible journey of empowerment and growth. As a recent amputee, I initially felt hesitant about continuing to pursue my personal fitness goals, but Darryl has been an unwavering source of support and encouragement. His specialized knowledge and tailored approach have not only helped me achieve my wellness goals but also boosted my confidence, functional mobility, and overall health. Thanks to his expertise and genuine care, I’ve remained active and have eliminated chronic discomfort that was initially associated with the loss of my leg. I highly recommend Darryl Partridge to anyone seeking compassionate, well informed guidance and transformative results on their journey to overcoming physical challenges.